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oktk1Example of construction of kitchen renovation.
We installed counter storage in ready-made items. We also made a backboard with the same material.
It is one way to make it a kitchen with a sense of unity at a low price.

oktk2We made the partition doors and flooring materials with unified material.
We can solve the problem of the kitchen now, such as changing the position of lighting and socket outlets and expanding storage space.

We will make only one kitchen for you in the world.

oktk3There are other cases, so please take o look.新規

kwafu1A counter of the kitchen integrate type and a shelf of a dining table and the back were manufactured.Air conditioner space put a screen by a louver.

 A partition of the glass is using pure material of TAMO material for a footboard of teakwood and stairs with a kitchen, a table and the store part.
It was made so that we might use an established built-in kitchen and surround with furniture.
